We are in the process of updating Interaction’s Core Values. Below you can read the core values that the staff wrote five years ago.
RELATIONSHIP | Relationships and inclusion in community lead to resilience. Relationships are the intervention.
RESPECT | People are the experts on their own lives; people know what they need.
JUSTICE | Each one of us deserves to have our needs met.
WISDOM | We all have wisdom to give and receive, and that exchange nurtures growth.
AWARENESS | We can’t understand the world if we don’t understand ourselves, and we can’t understand ourselves if we don’t understand the world.
EFFICACY | Everyone has a right to power.
RESPONSIBILITY | Power in a hierarchy is shared through transparency.
EQUITY | We work to identify, witness, and acknowledge systemic harm done to all marginalized communities. We strive to further awareness, allyship, and advocacy to reduce institutional violence.
INTEGRITY | We respond with intention.