A very strong turn out by local golfers —116 in all — and strong corporate support, made Youth Services’ 31st Annual Golf Tournament a rousing success, generated over $20,000 to help underwrite the agency’s programs. The tournament was held at…
Eugene “Gene” Wrinn of Guilford, in local law enforcement for more than three decades, recently joined 18 other community members in serving on Youth Services’ board of directors. Through more than a dozen programs ranging from restorative justice, to outreach,…
Tammy Bischof, Vice President of Operations at Brattleboro Savings & Loan recently joined 18 other community members in serving on Youth Services’ board of directors. Through many programs ranging from Therapeutic Case Management, Court Diversion to mentoring, the nonprofit agency…
This July Rachel Selsky assumed the role of President of the Youth Services Board of Directors, taking the reins from Tom Nunziata whose two-year term has just ended. Selsky has been on the agency’s Board of Directors for the past four years…
Make a contribution today to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windham County! DONATE HERE! Anonymous donors will match the first $3000 in contributions received by June 25. 2016! VIEW VIDEO! of Big and Little Sarah and Kendra spending time together over…
Youth Services lost one of its vigorous advocates for young people this spring with the passing of Stan Holt, a Youth Services board member from 1998 to 2011 and active long after he officially stepped down. Below is a reprint of…
We are currently looking for items for our housing units in Brattleboro and Bellows Falls. Youth Services provides transitional living and case management services to young people in Windham County communities who are homeless or are unsafely housed. WISH LIST…
Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Raffle WIN $3000! Help Homeless youth! Click Here to Buy A Golf Ball to Compete! Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at the Brattleboro Country Club during Interaction’s Annual Golf Tourney One golf ball for $100, maximum sold…
Christine Linn, a therapeutic case manager at Youth Services received the Ally Award on April 29 in a ceremony in Stowe, VT as part of the Vermont Crime Victim Rights Week Celebration. Linn was nominated for the state-wide award by…
Youth Services’ newest employee is Sarah Caito, recently hired as a Match Support Specialist for its Big Brothers Big Sisters’ school and community-based mentoring programs. She is a Big Sister herself and has worked for the NH affiliate of Big…